Saturday, December 12


Levi David Smith

After 34 hours of labor, 12+ hours of pitocin, very very low blood pressure, few hours of sleep, 2 cups of jello, one epidural, one failed vaccuum attempt......
Our 7 lb 11 oz 21 inch long little boy makes his appearance to a cold cold Denver. It was difficult and tiring and lasted forever, but it was also amazing. Can't believe how much I love this little boy already

Saturday, December 5

coming soon

despite what the ticker says on the side.... i'm actually 5 days overdue. buckwheat is stubborn and cozy and is still on the inside. we go into the doctor at 9 tomorrow night to start the eviction process, and we'll hopefully have our baby boy sometime monday. we'll update as soon as we can. pray for us this weekend, that we get everything done at home that we want to, tie up our loose ends, and sleep GOOD this last weekend before the baby. pray also for a safe and healthy delivery.
we can't wait to meet our baby boy!!