we played tennis last night. not unusual, except for that i actually learned how to keep score and we played a full set (i think that's right.....more than a game, less than a match....) mat won 6-2. i put up a good fight. it's funny how much more serious he gets when we actually keep score. he was serving really hard and just taking it very seriously. silly competitive boy. i think i plyaed pretty well. sometimes my lack of hand-eye coordination is astounding. it makes me mad, but overall i have a good time. and if i pitch too much of a fit, it'll be like golf--another sport we are not allowed to play together. so i keep my cool.

birthday s'mores!!! geri's birthday--mat's aunt--is on the 5th and mine is on the 6th so we'll definitely do some celebrating up at the lake. excellent! she and i always "argue" about how to make the best s'mores. let the battle begin.
.........pink lemonade, orange slices, fireworks, swim suits and flip flops. it's going to be a good weekend!
umm Geri's birthday is actually on the 7th just an FYI. but I won't tell her you forgot her bday ;) love you
that does sound good. i want some bday smores.. yummy! hope you have fun!
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