the smell of campfire is haunting me today. immediately upon stepping out of the shower it was in my nostrils, and even now, after having worked for 6 hours, and both of us took a shower, i still smell it in our house. hopefully it will linger no longer once i wash the laundry. all that complaining to say we had an excellent time camping!! it was so much fun. i really enjoy camping, i've forgotten how much i like it. and hanging out with the kids was so much fun too. they are fun little kiddos. other than their meltdown sunday morning, they were great. so much fun. only two snafu's on the weekend--a broken waverunner and forgotten utensils on our "dinner pontoon boat" but other than that, it was a great weekend. 
he wanted to take the runaway truck ramp so badly.... i wouldn't let him!
happy birthday america....
and then me....
and then geri
(sis-in-law katie corrected me...geri's birthday is the 7th (today))
here are the kiddos.... playing in the dirt. ain't they cute?!?!
yum.....smores and a bud select.....
so excited for smores!!!
beautiful colorado
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